By Jimmy Cerwin

Are you ready for secrets to singing higher? Have you been trying to get your voice higher but still cannot hit those high notes? You do not have to spend big bucks on a private music tutor. Here are some excellent tips to get you started.

Warm Up - The first step is to warm up your vocal chords. This is an important step and should be a part of your regimen every time you sing. It will help you stretch your vocal muscles so they will not be damaged during singing. Stretching also enables you to hit those all-important high notes. One of the best warm ups is humming. Simply hum the lyrics to a favorite song to prepare your vocal chords for what comes next - singing. Professionals and amateurs alike use this method and hum tunes ranging from 'Old MacDonald' to 'America the Beautiful'.

Breath Control - The ability to control your breathing is vital for hitting high notes. Every note must originate from your diaphragm. How can you tell if you are using your diaphragm? Sit in a straight back chair and sing the first notes of the scale. On the inhale of each breath the stomach should be the first to rise, then the chest. If you feel your chest rise first you are not using your diaphragm. To feel sounds coming from your diaphragm stand erect and sing 'ha, ha, ha' repeatedly, in a fast manner. If you feel little poufs of air coming from your stomach or belly you have hit the mark!

Rising Higher - After a few warm ups find the middle of your range. Once you find a comfortable middle, climb higher on the scale. To reach higher notes as you sing, continue to run the scales up from the middle of your range to a comfortable high note, and then back down to the middle. During this exercise it is important to not over stress or strain your vocal chords.

Vowel Modification - Every singer has particular vowels to which their voice is well adapted. It is easier to sing these vowels above the staff or in high situations. Take time to determine which vowels work well with your voice. You will most likely find one that you favor above the others and you can modify music to your vowel as you sing up the scale.Now that you have some basics let's look at some 'extras' that you may find helpful.

Imagine - Many singers use their imagination when singing high notes. Picture yourself reaching for your throat. Reach from the top of your head, down your throat, and grip your voice. Once you have it pull it up to the tip of your skull.

Space- Keeping a space in the mouth will ease the effort of hitting high notes. While keeping your tongue down, form your mouth into an 'O' to make this space.

Recordings - The voice in your head is not what you sound like to other people. This fact trips up many singers. To discover your true sound, record your practice sessions.

Attention - Keep your focus. This may not seem important but it is amazing how just the loss of focus can affect tone, pitch, and more. Instead of thinking of problems at work or issues at home, focus solely on reaching higher notes - set a goal and keep your eyes on the prize.

Finally, the easiest way to see if you're hitting the right high note is by placing your hand on your larynx. Once your hand is in place, sing from your middle range up the steps of the scale. If your larynx moves higher as you sing you are not singing the correct way. The best method is practice, practice, practice!

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